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Pogled s naše strane / View from our side

Pogled s naše strane

png transparent flag of croatia national flag croatian war of independence flag miscellaneous flag logo removebg previewPrije utakmice nitko nije mogao zamisliti što će Siščani ponuditi na startu ovogodišnje Alpske hokejaške lige. Neki od njihovih rezultata u predsezoni i tri čiste pobjede u pretkolu Kontinentalnog Kupa prošlog vikenda dali su do znanja da ih naša momčad mora ozbiljno shvatiti. Gostovanje u Areni Podmežakla bilo je povijesno za Siščane jer je to označilo prvu utakmicu neke hrvatske momčadi u AHL-u. Siščani na popisu imaju šest stranaca, od kojih nisu svi doputovali na utakmicu, kao i trojac hrvatskih tzv. dvonacionalaca.

HDD SIJ Acroni Jesenice:

33 Us (GK), 35 Glavič (GK), 5 Pečnik, 8 Urukalo, 10 Jenko, 13 Špari Leben, 14 Lesničar, 15 Šlibar, 19 Dobravec, 20 Koblar, 22 Svetina, 24 Dolinar, 42 Šturm, 51 Selan, 55 Bohinc, 71 Brus, 72 Sillanpää, 79 Lyons, 84 Slivnik, 88 Prostor, 91 Čimžar, 92 Valtola,
Trener: Niko ERONEN

KHL Sisak:

29 Rosandić (GK), 32 Slade (GK), 2 Mikkola, 4 Bebek, 5 Dobrić, 12 Kasparek, 15 Dostalek, 16 Briere, 17 Marinković, 18 Bronte, 20 Idžan V., 21 Čavlović, 24 Puzić, 27 Malenica, 38 Čanić, 41 Slovinac, 55 Selitaj, 68 Smolec, 87 Bujger, 91 Idžan B., 96 Baždar, 97 Vukadin
Trener: Josh Siembida

Suci: Bajt, Bulovec
Linijski sudije: Arlič, Markizeti

Prva trećina

Skupina gostujućih navijača je, kao što smo i predviđali, stigla u Arenu Podmežakla na otvorenje hrvatske AHL sezone. U dvoranu su ušli čim je tribina otvorena za navijače i s interesom posmatrali ljepote Podmežakle. I oni u Sisku imaju prekrasnu novu dvoranu, doduše manju od Podmežakle. Bili su oduševljeni što će njihova momčad zaigrati u za njih novoj ligi. I mi Jeseničani smo nekada bili “promovirani” u “višu” ligu pa možemo razumjeti njihove osjećaje.

Kapetan pobjedničke momčadi jučerašnjeg turnira u uličnom hokeju bacio je prvi pak na utakmici pred oko 350 gledatelja. Navijači Jesenica su krenuli s navijanjem od prve minute, a pridružili su se i neki gostujući navijači. Prvi udarac prema gostujućim vratima uputio je branič Jesenica Lyons u četvrtoj minuti, ali šut nije predstavljao posebnu opasnost za gostujućeg vratara. Sljedeći pokušaj u petoj minuti također je izveo branič Brus, ali rezultat je ostao početni. U šestoj minuti branič Vitezova Čanić palicom je pred gostujućim vratima udario Čimžara i zaslužio isključenje. Naša momčad je u powerplayu jako napala Rosandićev gol, ali to nije dovelo do rezultatske prednosti. Još jedna kazna za gostujuću momčad stigla je u 11. minuti (Tyrone, spoticanje). Domaći su nepunih pola minute kasnije iskoristili prednost igrača viška, iz blizine je pogodio Luc SLIVNIK (1:0). U narednim minutama domaći su dominirali i većinu vremena provodili u odbrambenoj trećini Siska, dok su se gosti organizirano branili. Gosti su u 17. minuti opasno pucali s plave linije, ali srećom pak je prošao pored mreže Žana US-a. Odmah zatim Slivnik je kod domaćih bio isključen  (nalet s palicom). Željezari su brzo zatim s igračem manje imali priliku, ali je Sillanpää nije pretvorio u gol. Jedan pokušaj gostiju iz blizine obranio je onda domaći vratar, a još jedan Jeseničanin – Lesničar – morao je na klupu za kažnjene igrače zbog udarca s palicom. Gosti su igrali s pet hokejaša protiv trojice otprilike pola minute, ali u tom razdoblju nisu uspjeli uputiti udarac prema golu Jesenica. U posljednjoj minuti tog perioda su s udarcem s desne strane – na oduševljenje svojih navijača – s jednim igračem više ipak izjednačili (Dobrić, 1:1).

Trećina je završila s omjerom udaraca na gol 12:7 u korist domaćih.

Druga trećina

Gosti su u drugu trećinu krenuli snažno, ali nije bilo dramatičnih trenutaka. Urukalo je ua domaću momčad u 22. minuti pucao iz velike daljine, ali Rosandić lako spašava vrata Hrvata. Čimžar je u sljedećoj minuti imao manju priliku iz blizine, ali je nije uspio iskoristiti. U 23. minuti Us je odbio dva udarca gostiju. U 26. minuti Željezari su nekoliko puta pokušavali doći do pogotka, no ostalo je 1:1. Rosandić je u 27. minuti odbio dalekometni udarac Brusa. U sljedećem napadu Brus je imao još jednu priliku, ali je gostujući vratar odbio i taj njegov udarac. U 28. minuti Koblar, Čimžar i Olli VALTOLA pritiskaju, a Finac pogađa za 2:1. Selan je u 29. minuti isključen zbog spoticanja, ali ekipa u crvenim dresovima izborila se za održanje vodstva. Malenica, igrač Vitezova, također je isključen zbog spoticanja u 33. minuti. Jeseničani su pritisnuli, Bohinc je imao dva udarca, no vodstvo domaćih je ostalo minimalno. Svetina je za Željezare opasno pucao na početku 36. minute, a Puzić je na drugoj strani s pakom opasno ušao u blizinu domaćeg vratara Usa. Dolinar je u 37. minuti dva puta šutirao iz daljine, i time dao gostujućem vrataru poprilično posla. Zatim je Jenko u 39. minuti opasno klizao oko vrata gostiju, ali nije uspio savladati vratara Rosandića. U posljednjoj minuti druge trećine dobro su kombinirali Koblar, Čimžar i Valtola, no rezultat se nije promijenio.

Omjer šuta u ovom periodu bio je 14:13 u korist domaćih.

Treća trećina

Ništa dakle još nije bilo odlučeno prije početka treće trećine. Gosti su se gotovo dvije minute prije isteka odmora vratili na svoje pozicije i pokazali time nagovijestili svoju želju za predstojeći period. U 42. minuti pokušali su udarcem s desne strane, a i poslije toga nastavili su pokazivati želju za izjednačenjem. U 44. minuti Željezari su imali situaciju 2 na 1 ispred gostujućeg vratara, ali je nisu uspjeli iskoristiti. Već u sljedećoj minuti Šturm je s lijeve strane pokušao prevariti Rosandića. Opasan udarac B. Idžana u 46. minuti odbija Us. Strasti su uzavrele pred golom domaćih već u sljedećoj minuti, a Urukalo je zbog ometanja poslat na klupu za isključene domaće igrače. Gosti su postavili napadačku formaciju i 15 sekundi prije isteka kazne za domaćine powerplay pogotkom Čanića ponovno poravnali rezultat (2:2). Uslijedilo je razdoblje u kojem nijedna momčad nije dominirala, a igra nije bila baš naročito lijepa. Šturm je ponovno pokušao s lijeve strane u 52. minuti. Već u sljedećoj minuti opasno je ponovo pucao Brus, a u 54. Urukalo, ali se rezultat nije mijenjao. Briere je žestoko zaprijetio Usu u 55. minuti, ali je vratar Jesenica odlično obranio. Isti igrač imao je još jednu priliku nekoliko minuta kasnije, a B. Idžan je u 56. minuti s lijeve strane pokušao pogoditi za Sisak. U 57. minuti Lesničar pokušava postići pogodak za pobjedu domaćina. “Smrtnu” šansu Briera spasio je Us ulaskom u posljednje dvije minute regularnog vremena. U nastavku su Bronte i Briere opet bili opasni za Hrvate, ali Us je oba puta uspješno intervenirao.

U trećoj trećini 10 udaraca za goste i 12 za domaće.


Bez pobjednika nakon 60 minuta, momčadi su morale ući u produžetak. Selan je za Jesenice opasno pucao u prvoj minuti nastavka, a potom je minutu kasnije sreću udarcem pokraj gola okušao Dobrić na drugoj strani. Sillanpää je pokušao zabiti u 64. minuti, ali mu je udarac Rosandić odbranio. Utakmica je onda drugim golom Ollija VALTOLE odlučena u posljednjoj minuti produžetka u korist Jesenica .

Omjer udaraca u okvir gola u produžetku – 3:0 za Jesenice.

Najboljim igračem utakmice proglašeni su vratari – kod domaćih Žan US, a kod gostiju Vilim Rosandić.

MDF 0516
Maks SELAN, HDD SIJ Acroni Jesenice


A view from our side

png transparent flag of great britain flag of great britain button flag of the united kingdom united kingdom flag logo united kingdom removebg previewBefore the game, no one could have imagined what the team from Sisak would offer at the start of this year’s Alps Hockey League. Some of their results in the preseason and their three clear victories at the preliminary round of the Continental Cup last weekend made it clear that our team had to take them seriously. The visit to Podmežakla Arena was historic for the team from Sisak, as it marked the first game of any Croatian team in the AHL. The Sisak team has six foreigners on the roster, not all of whom traveled for the game, as well as a trio of Croatian double nationals.

Coverage of last night’s game between HDD SIJ Acroni Jesenice and KHL Sisak in the Alps Hockey League:

HDD SIJ Acroni Jesenice:

33 Us (GK), 35 Glavič (GK), 5 Pečnik, 8 Urukalo, 10 Jenko, 13 Špari Leben, 14 Lesničar, 15 Šlibar, 19 Dobravec, 20 Koblar, 22 Svetina, 24 Dolinar, 42 Šturm, 51 Selan, 55 Bohinc, 71 Brus, 72 Sillanpää, 79 Lyons, 84 Slivnik, 88 Prostor, 91 Čimžar, 92 Valtola,
Trener: Niko ERONEN

KHL Sisak:

29 Rosandić (GK), 32 Slade (GK), 2 Mikkola, 4 Bebek, 5 Dobrić, 12 Kasparek, 15 Dostalek, 16 Briere, 17 Marinković, 18 Bronte, 20 Idžan V., 21 Čavlović, 24 Puzić, 27 Malenica, 38 Čanić, 41 Slovinac, 55 Selitaj, 68 Smolec, 87 Bujger, 91 Idžan B., 96 Baždar, 97 Vukadin
Trener: Josh Siembida

Sodnika: Bajt, Bulovec
Linijska sodnika: Arlič, Markizeti

First period

A group of visiting fans arrived at Podmežakla Arena for the opening game of the Croatian AHL season. They entered the arena as soon as the grandstand was opened for the fans and showed interest in the beauty of Podmežakla Arena. They also have a beautiful new arena, smaller than Podmežakla, and were enthusiastic about their team playing in the new league. We from Jesenice have also been “promoted” to a “higher” league, so we can understand their feelings.

The captain of the winning team of yesterday’s street hockey tournament threw the first puck of the game in front of about 350 spectators. The Jesenice fans cheered loudly, and some visiting fans joined in. The first shot towards the away goal was taken by defenseman Lyons in the fourth minute, but it did not pose any particular danger to the visiting goalkeeper. The next attempt in the fifth minute was also made by a defender, Brus, but the score remained the same. In the sixth minute, Knights defender Čanić hit Čimžar with his stick in front of the away goal and was sent off. Our team created a strong offense around Rosandić’s goal during the powerplay, but it did not lead to a score advantage. Another penalty for the visiting team came in the 11th minute (Tyrone, tripping), and the Steelers took advantage of the extra man less than half a minute later, with Luc SLIVNIK scoring from close range (1:0). In the following minutes, the home team dominated and spent most of the time in the attacking third, while the visitors defended in an organized manner. The visitors had a dangerous shot from the blue line in the 17th minute, but luckily the puck flew past the net of Žan US. Immediately afterwards, the home team received a penalty (Slivnik, charging). The Steelers quickly had a shorthanded chance, but it was not converted into a goal by Sillanpää. One of the visitors’ close-range shots was then saved by the home goalkeeper, and another Jesenice player – Lesničar – had to be sent to the penalty box for slashing. The visitors played five-on-three for half a minute but didn’t get a shot on Jesenice’s goal during that period. However, they equalized early in the last minute with a man advantage with a shot from the right side, much to the delight of their fans (Dobrić, 1:1).

The period ended with shots favoring the home team 12:7.

Second period

The visitors started the second period strong, but there were no dramatic moments. Urukalo took a long-range shot in the 22nd minute, but Rosandić saved the Croatians’ goal easily. Čimžar had a small chance from close range in the next minute but couldn’t capitalize. In the 23rd minute, Us deflected two shots from the visitors. The Steelers had several attempts to score in the 26th minute, but the score remained 1:1. Rosandić denied a long-range shot by Brus in the 27th minute, and Brus had another chance in the next attack, but the visiting goalkeeper parried his shot. In the 28th minute, Koblar, Čimžar, and Olli VALTOLA pressed hard, and the Finn scored, making it 2:1. Selan was sent off in the 29th minute for tripping, but the red jersey team fought hard to maintain the lead. Malenica from the Knights was also sent to the penalty box for tripping in the 33rd minute. The home team continued to press hard, and Bohinc had two shots, but the lead remained minimal. Svetina took a dangerous shot at the start of the 36th minute, and Puzić slid the puck dangerously close to home goalie Us. Dolinar took two long-range shots in the 37th minute, keeping the visiting goalkeeper busy. Jenko skated dangerously around the visitors’ goal in the 39th minute but couldn’t beat the goalkeeper. Koblar, Čimžar, and Valtola combined well in the last minute of the second period, but the score remained the same.

The shot ratio in this period was 14:13 in favor of the home team.

Third period

Nothing was decided before the third period. The visitors were back in their positions nearly two minutes before the break ended, showing their fighting spirit. In the 42nd minute, they attempted a shot from the right side and continued to show their desire to draw level. In the 44th minute, the Steelers had a 2-on-1 situation in front of the visiting goalkeeper but failed to take advantage of it. In the next minute, Šturm tried to fool Rosandić from the left side. A dangerous shot by B. Idžan in the 46th minute was parried by Us. Passions boiled over in front of the Steeler’s goal in the next minute, and Urukalo was sent to the penalty box for interference. The visitors set up an attacking formation, and 15 seconds before the expiry of the home team’s penalty, a powerplay goal by Čanić tied the game again (2:2). What followed was a period in which neither team dominated and the game was a bit ragged. Šturm tried again from the left side in the 52nd minute. Brus took a dangerous shot in the next minute and Urukalo in the 54th, but the result did not change. Briere threatened Us heavily in the 55th minute, but Jesenice’s goalkeeper made a great save. The same player had another chance a few minutes later, and B. Idžan shot for Sisak from the left side in the 56th minute. In the 57th minute, Lesničar tried to score the winning goal. Brier’s “fatal” chance was saved by Us entering the last two minutes of regulation time. Next, Bronte and Briere were dangerous again for the Croats, but Us intervened successfully both times.

Shots in the third period were 10 for the visitors and 12 for the home team.


With no winner after 60 minutes, the teams went to overtime. Selan shot dangerously one minute into the period, and then Dobrić tried his luck a minute later on the other side. Sillanpää tried to score in the 64th minute but was denied. The game was then decided in favor of Jesenice in the last minute of extra time by Olli VALTOLA’s second goal.

Shots in extra time were 3 for Jesenice and 0 for KHL Sisak.

Žan US was named the best player of the game for the home team, while goalkeeper Vilim Rosandić was also named the best player for the visitors.

Foto/Photo: Matias DEMŠAR
Tekst&Text: Marko LUKAN


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